
Hey this is Daniel, I was born in Phoenix AZ  Nov. 29, 1983. I grew up in a fairly conservative Baptist home were I was taught wrong from right, and learned the Bible at a fairly deep level. In spite of  this much of my adolescence was spent in rebellion  to both my parents and most authority in my life.

It wasn’t until high school that  I  really made a  effort to  pursue  Christ  in  a real way, and by that time I had learned that God had given me gifts in speaking and building relationships.

After attending college in California for a short hiatus that  turned into  one of my best  self learning  experiences ever,  I returned to NC a little jadded, but a lot wiser.

God has used me in a few different youth ministries, and I would like to say  its because of struggles earlier in life and even things  I still deal with that I’m able to  identify with the youth I work with.

I want to write this blog to show what I’m dealing with day to day in ministry , and what I’ve learned through God’s word.

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